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Anti-sleaze marketing for cybersecurity vendors

Connecting credible cybersecurity vendors and professionals so they can share valuable content, ideas, and insights.

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Our Why

Making it easy for cybersecurity vendors and professionals to share quality content, ideas, and insights 

We know there are so many threats out there, and people need solutions and awareness so they can protect themselves. But,  so much marketing in the industry preys on fear, vulnerabilities, and panic.


As anti-marketing marketers., we’re not here to deceive, terrorize or catastrophize. By helping credible members of the industry make a bigger impact, we hope to use marketing for the good.

​Vendors need a way to get their product out there, with integrity. Professionals want to share their deep expertise and promote meaningful dialogue. By connecting these two parties, we help vendors expand their reach,  professionals to increase their impact, and the world to be a safer place. 

Successful Meeting

Our Solution

Flip influencer marketing on its head

By giving the influencers autonomy over the content they share, their followers trust the content's value. Influencers have no obligation to share content, so their audience respects the content they do share. 


We’re also very selective about who joins our platform. We only work with legitimate cybersecurity influencers and vendors who truly care about cybersecurity. 

Cyfluencer is the top-of-funnel marketing method for cybersecurity because trusted experts you – not an ad – are vouching for you and your product.

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A word from our community...

"Cyfluencer helped my cybersecurity company generate demand at scale through influencer marketing. It's an Amazing breakthrough in the Cyber space"


- Mike Lambert

Our Story

Founded By Tech Driven Influencers

Yoel Israel knows a thing or two about B2B marketing. As the founder of WadiDigital, the popular cybersecurity and B2B Tech digital marketing agency, he doesn’t shy away from challenges. So, when three cybersecurity clients asked for influencer marketing within six months, he hunted for existing solutions. When he couldn’t find any solutions, he drew on his understanding of the industry to hire a team dedicated to building a solution..


The team understood that the existing broken Influencer marketing model - where a company pays a professional to promote a product - wouldn’t work in an industry which relies on unsolicited, unbiased recommendations from those on the inside. 


Cybersecurity professionals get paid to trust no one and would never take content seriously if a professional was paid to share it. Similarly, paid digital marketing has limited success in the industry where people look to each other for advice.

Our Team

Our dedicated team is here for you, 24/7

Yoel Israel

Yoel Israel

CEO & Founder

Tech entrepreneur. The visionary who gets stuff done. LinkedIn expert. Wadi Digital founder.

Yael Moav

Yael Moav

Program Director

Anti-marketer. Reformed academic. Wordsmith and detector of BS.

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LinkedIn icon cyfluencer

Educate your community.

Expand your influence.

Increase your reach.


Generate demand at scale. 

Get your content directly in front of your target market. 

At a fraction of the cost of PR or paid media.


Share your astute insights and unique perspectives with your audience. Find perfect-fit speaking opportunities with zero hassle. 

Ready to Kickstart Your Influence?

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